M.Q. Stewart

Has falling-out with communists
Meets best friend
Writes about solar eclipse experience
Sends eclipse story to some literary journals, receives first rejection letters
Interns at Brooklyn Museum
Stops recording people’s conversations
Has crazy dream about opium-addict/hippie death-cult
Begins writing second novel, Sweet Grass and Noxious Poppies
Stewart is born in New York, NY
Parents divorce
Very sad :(
Lives in Antigua, Guatemala for a year (with mom and younger brother)
Decides to write an erotic novel “as a joke”
Accidentally writes a regular novel
Realizes deep, passionate love of literature
Is heavily inspired by Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman
Takes gap year
Writes cool short story called "A Patch of Dryness in the Back of the Throat" for one-off zine, Ramble On.
Becomes obsessed with Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
Wears Acapulco shirts, records transcripts of other people’s conversations without their consent, etc.
Freshman year at Brooklyn College
Therapist recommends Thomas Ligotti, world’s premier psych. horror writer
First-year essay is published in Telling Our Stories, Sharing Our Lives - A Collection of Student Memoir Writing
Takes rickety, old bus with communist friends to South Carolina to see solar eclipse
Kurt Vonnegut becomes favorite author
Codes first website in HTML (not this one)
Self-publishes eclipse story, 5 people read it
Begins dual degree in religious studies
Zhuangzi becomes favorite ancient author
Poem, "To Sear An Octopus", published in Stuck in the Library
Takes mushrooms, becomes extremely spiritual
Grandfather passes away on 24th birthday
Last year of college
Begins research project on ancient Egyptian snakebite cures
Makes best of bad situation
Beloved family members and professors pass away
Snakebite Papyrus research complete, published via CUNY Academic Works
Graduation, no fanfare
Remote teaching assistantship for music and philosophy courses at Brooklyn College
Stir crazy
No longer spiritual
Works sporadically on Sweet Grass and Noxious Poppies
Embarks with brother on insane 20-day bike tour from Bronx to Albany
Decides to never come back
Lands job at insurance filing company
Comes back
Works day job
Moves out of mother’s apartment
Writes geological poetry
Collects many first-roommate horror stories
Attends make-up graduation ceremony, with fanfare
Finishes Sweet Grass and Noxious Poppies
Moves again
Continues writing, finishes several short stories in short period of time
Second iteration of website (didn’t code it himself)
Begins sending stories to magazines again
Collects even more roommate horror stories

Quits writing, starts boxing
Makes pilgrimage to the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library in Indianapolis, IN
Quits boxing, continues writing
Vows to never have another roommate
Moves to Jersey City bachelor pad
Jersey Bachelor Era begins